Not exactly what I expected.
Don't get me wrong, there's more potential in this plot than most other flash on this site. Personally, I was a bit shocked as to why nobody had actually gone through with the idea yet, and it's about damn time someone did!
That someone seems to be you, MurderMysteryMan.
Unfortunately, a couple of things just really killed the viewing experience for me. As much as I commend you for getting voice actors the way you did, they just didn't quite cut it. The animation wasn't really good enough, and the script was a bit shabby.
While overall looking at the big picture it may seem like a great flash, but it has SO many details slowly killing the overall quality and enjoyability that I failed to find myself engrossed in the plot, humor, or general experience.
I hope to see you continue this series, and I hope that you improve. Unfortunately, in your current state I can't see you're the least bit above average except for making a good theme to base the plot around.